'The key to achieving fitness is to become the sort of person who always chooses the active option, who chooses to be an active participant in life...' ~ Dr Joanna McMillan 'Inner Health, Outer Beauty'
Be energised!
"As a group fitness instructor in Canberra for close to a decade, I've had the joy of watching people embrace exercise, feel fantastic and look fabulous. When our body is fit, we feel empowered and energised. When our body is unfit, we feel lethargic and lazy.
Many years ago I discovered that my kidneys weren't functioning quite right. I became extremely ill and ended up in hospital. To this day I have strong memories of my kidney specialist standing by my bed in E.D. and saying, 'If you weren't fit Miss Lisa, we may have lost you tonight...'. Those words resonated during my recovery and it was after that I decided to become a gym instructor... Exercise would become more than a jog every now again, but part of my every day...
If the thought of going to the gym is enough to make you cringe, then think about incorporating more incidental exercise into your day. Park further away from where you need to be and walk to and from your car. Dust off your bicycle and try riding to work a few times a week. If you always take the lift, take the stairs. Offer to get your workmates their 'skinny' latte and walk the long route to the coffee shop... Take the active option..."
Be fit... Lisa xo